What to do when you catch
a tagged papio

Some helpful information from the
State Division of Aquatic Resources

Above: John Kurahara with a tagged ulua.

The Ulua Tagging Project needs your kokua!
For complete recovery information anglers will receive an "Ulua Tagging Project T-shirt" reward.

Papio tag with algae cleaned off to reveal tag data.
Proper "fork length" measurement.
The most important action that anglers can take to support and aid any tagging project is to report all fish caught with tags.  As soon as a
tagged fish is caught, clean the algae off of the tip of the tag to reveal the tag number and record the following information:

1) Date of capture
2) Tag number
3) Species of fish (omilu, white, etc.)
4) Length (fork length; from the tip of the nose to the V in the tail)
5) Location (area, ex. Ala Moana Park, Kaunakakai Harbor, etc.)
6) Time
7) Weight (optional)

Anglers: Name, Address and contact phone number

Options after landing a tagged fish.

1) Fish can be released - Please do not remove tag.
Record and report all of the information above.
Then gently release the fish.

2) Fish can be kept- if it is of legal size and will not exceed your daily bag limit. Please check the DAR website (www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dar) for current regulations and updates
Please remove the tag and return it with all of the information above to DAR.

Record and report all recovery information above to:

DAR Ulua Tagging Project
(808) 587-0593  

or email information to

Questions? Comments? E-mail us at hanapaa@HawaiiGoesFishing.com

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